Friday, July 27, 2012

Up To Date

My name is Leslie. I'm not a writer. I'm not funny or witty or a wordsmith by any means. I'm just a new mom on the opposite coast from all of my family and friends, embarking on the biggest journey of my life. My fiance, Chris, is currently in medical school. He doesn't know what type of doctor he wants to be. We have a 4 month old son, George, and three lovely kitties, Sassy, Moo and Samuel. I am staying at home for the first time in my life to balance a small budget and provide a clean, loving and fruitful home for my family.

We recently moved to a suburb of Harrisburg, PA from Erie, PA.   I am originally from Sacramento, Ca and Chris is from Davis, CA. We have been here almost a month and we still have boxes packed with stuff.

Currently I live my life according to my son and a list of things to do on a whiteboard on my fridge. This mom at home job is enjoyable, but new, and there is a definite learning curve. Living off of student loans alone is the second biggest adjustment (the first obviously being a new mom). I'm extremely lucky that my son sleeps through the night (sometimes 10 - 11 hours if I let him), and is relatively happy and go lucky. He is so darn cute and attentive that I hate to miss any play time with him to do chores so I try to squish those in while he's napping (which luckily is often).

I am a foodie at heart. I love food. Not just food but good food. I'll eat it all. Healthy whole grain and vegetables with lots of fruits and water to the not so healthy greasy, bacon and lard filled dishes. I also enjoy rare and adventurous food. Chris doesn't really care for the adventurous so much. My recent endeavor is to learn how to provide wonderful food on a budget. I haven't really had access to a computer for over a year but now that Chris is doing rotations instead of studying over books, I can surf the web. I found a few blogs about making food ahead of time and freezing it so you can eat it later. I purchased the books "Don't Panic - Dinner's in the Freezer", "Don't Panic - More Dinner's in the Freezer" and "Fix - Freeze - Feast". I've decided I'm going to make the things I know and love with the bulk meats I have in the freezer until they are gone and then I'm going to plan my big shopping spree and make some of these dishes. I'm hoping to have great success.

With this blog, I hope to keep track of several events in my life that are all playing out at the same time. The growth of my son, the achievements of my fiance, the advancements of our relationship not only with each other but as parents, and my personal journey of balancing a home and my health.

I cannot guarantee anyone would want to read this blog. I'm purely writing it for myself. I can guarantee there will be grammatical as well as other errors. Like I said in my opening sentence, I am not a writer.

That's it for now. I have to wake the baby up for his last bottle.

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