Sunday, July 29, 2012

All Alone

Our son, George, is now 4 months old. We knew we would be moving soon after he was born, so we had waited on purchasing real furniture for him. Up until this point he has been sleeping in a bassinet that fits on top of the Pack n Play we were given. We finally were able to get all of the nursery furniture and accessories put together today and our little guy is spending the night in his very own room for the first time in his life. I'm excited to finally give the fancy video monitor I purchased, a whirl. I have to say, I didn't think this would be as big of a deal as it is now feeling. He's in there right now and I want to go scoop him up and put him back in the bassinet in our room where he is safe with my fiance snoring away next to him. I'll tear down the Pack n Play tomorrow so there is no more temptation.

I still have a bunch of decorating to do in the nursery. We decided to do a dragon theme for him so we have tons of dragon stuffed animals and blankets that somehow need to be displayed. I know I can't keep them in the crib while he's sleeping but I thought I might put them in there during the day. I don't want the crib to look to inviting for the kitties to jump into and snuggle up. I also hate to keep the door shut to keep them out of there. I will if I have to though.

I bought some indoor plants for the first time in years. It's a gamble to keep plants inside because the kitties are so mischievous. I bought some herbs and I'm hoping the smell is not appetizing to them. I guess I'll find out tomorrow if they are lying on the floor when I wake up. I also purchased some shelving that the kitties won't be able to climb on to so, if I have to, I'll put the plants up there. It feels so good to finally be able to purchase some things to make this apartment feel like a home. I have lived on such a temporary basis for so long I didn't realize how nice it would feel to know we don't have to move in a year. In fact I know we're stuck here for a minimum of 2 years whether we like it or not. It really is a great feeling.

Well, it's getting late here. Time for bed.

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